Monday, December 30, 2019

Top 8 Best Grad School Scholarships and Fellowships

Contrary to popular belief, a sky-high GPA is not the only way to obtain grad school scholarships. Every year, hundreds of students are awarded prestigious scholarships and fellowships that will fund their post-graduate studies partially or entirely, and not all of these students earned all A’s every time.   Key Takeaways Prestigious national and international grad school scholarships include Fulbright, Rhodes, Truman, and the Marshall.Awards committees look for well-rounded individuals with clear, concise, and achievable goals.Whether or not you earn an award, the application process can be a useful tool for determining personal and professional goals. While academic merit is important, awards committees look for students that demonstrate leadership capability, participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer, and maintain a strong sense of self. In short, the key to earning one of these scholarships is to be a well-rounded person with a clear and achievable goal.   The following is some information on the most prestigious scholarships and fellowships awarded to students on an annual basis to help you decide which scholarship is best for you.   Fulbright U.S. Student Program Annual Deadline: Early to Mid-October, check website for exact date Launched in 1946 as a way to redirect post-war financial surplus to promote cross-cultural goodwill and understanding, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program now awards an estimated 2,000 grants annually to recent university graduates. Fulbright recipients use grants to pursue international post-graduate goals, including research projects, graduate education, and teaching. Placements are available in more than 140 countries around the world. Though only citizens of the United States may apply for the U.S. Student Program, the Fulbright Program offers opportunities for working professionals and international applicants, as well.   Rhodes Scholarship Annual Deadline: First Wednesday of October The Rhodes Scholarship, established in 1902, provides full funding for students from the United States to pursue a post-graduate degree at the University of Oxford. As the oldest and arguably most prestigious international scholarship in the world, the competition for a Rhodes is exceptionally high. Applicants must first earn a nomination from their undergraduate university to be considered for the Rhodes. Out of a pool of 800-1,500 exceptional students, only 32 receive the award each year.   Marshall Scholarship Annual Deadline: Early October, check website for exact date The Marshall Scholarship annually provides up to 50 high-achieving students from the United States the opportunity to pursue a post-graduate or doctoral degree at any institution in the United Kingdom. The award includes full funding of tuition, textbook expenses, room and board, research fees, and travel between the U.S. and the U.K. for the duration of the program of study, typically two years. The award can be extended to include a third year under certain circumstances.   Barry Goldwater Scholarship Annual Deadline: Last Friday in January The Barry Goldwater Scholarship provides up to $7,500 to rising undergraduate juniors and seniors studying natural science, mathematics, or engineering who plan to pursue a career in research. Though not a grad school scholarship, many Goldwater recipients go on to receive prestigious academic awards for future studies, as the Goldwater indicates exemplary academic merit. Approximately 300 students receive the award annually. Students must be enrolled as full-time students in an accredited United State institution and hold at least sophomore status in order to be eligible.  Applicants must be citizens of the United States, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents with the intent to become U.S. citizens. Students must be nominated by a Goldwater at their university.   Harry S. Truman Scholarship Annual Deadline: First Tuesday in February Named after the 33rd president of the United States, the Truman Scholarship provides students planning on pursuing careers in public service with $30,000 to be used for graduate studies. The awards committee seeks students with strong leadership skills and a demonstrated background in public service. After completing degree programs, Truman recipients are required to work in public service for three to seven years. To receive a Truman Scholarship, students must first be nominated by faculty representative (or a faculty member willing to serve in this position) at their home university. Universities are only permitted to nominate four students each year, so larger or more academically rigorous universities might old internal competitions for qualifying students. Each year, over 600 students are nominated by their universities, and between 55 and 65 candidates are selected to receive the award. To be eligible, applicants must be United States citizens or nationals.   National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Annual Deadline: Late October or Early November, check website for exact date The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship provides a $34,000 stipend and $12,000 allowance for educational costs per year for up to three years to exceptional students pursuing research-based work in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology fields. The fellowship is the oldest scholarship program specifically for those pursuing STEM-related graduate degrees. To be eligible, students must be United States citizens, nationals, or permanent residents. The National Science Foundation strongly encourages under represented members of the scientific community, including women, minorities, and people of color, to apply for the fellowship. Awards are given in all research-based STEM fields, including psychology and social sciences, as well as hard sciences.   George J. Mitchell Scholarship Annual Deadline: Late September, check website for exact date The George J. Mitchell Scholarship offers up to 12 United States students the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree at any institution in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. The scholarship includes full tuition, housing costs, and a monthly stipend for the duration of one year. To be eligible, applicants must be United States citizens between 18 and 30 years old, and they must hold a bachelor’s degree before beginning the Mitchell Scholarship program.   Churchill Scholarship Annual Deadline: Mid to Late October, check website for exact date The Churchill Scholarship provides 15 United States students with the opportunity to study for one year at the University of Cambridge’s Churchill College, the only STEM-focused college at Cambridge. The scholarship was established by Winston Churchill to promote scientific inquiry and exchange between the United States and the United Kingdom. Recipients of the award receive approximately $60,000, used to cover all tuition and fees, textbook expenses, accommodation, travel to and from the United States, and visa costs. Recipients are also eligible for an additional research stipend. To be eligible, students must be United States citizens, and they must be senior undergraduate students applying from a participating university. The complete list of participating universities can be found on the Churchill Scholarship website. In 2017, the Churchill Foundation launched the Kanders Churchill Scholarship in an attempt to bridge a growing gap between science and public policy. Citizenship requirements for the Kanders Churchill Scholarship remain the same, but applicants may apply from any university in the United States, so long as they hold a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field. Kanders Churchill Scholarship recipients will attend Churchill College while pursuing a Master’s in Public Policy. Application Tips and Tricks These awards are prestigious and highly sought after for a reason. The application processes can take months or even years to complete from start to finish, and the competition is tough. Here are a few tips to help guide you through the sometimes daunting search for grad school scholarships. Find your focus Don’t waste your time submitting rushed or unfocused applications. Instead, do your research, and determine which grad school scholarship is best for you. Focus your time and effort on making that application stand out. Ask for Help Many universities have started to employ full-time staff specifically to help students with post-graduate scholarship and fellowship applications. Even if your university doesn’t have this kind of staff available, you can search through your department for any professors or alumni that received prestigious awards and ask them for advice or mentorship. Utilize free university resources.  A school writing center can help you focus your ideas, while a resume workshop can help you polish up your list of accomplishments. Use the Process Remember, even if you aren’t chosen as a recipient, the application process for any of these awards can be a fulfilling experience that helps you identify your future goals. Treat it as a tool and get as much out of it as you can.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reckless Driving Research Paper - 1772 Words

Reckless Driving One of the more serious issues that is becoming more and more of a bigger problem in the South Coast today is reckless driving. What reckless driving is is driving in a way that puts people and property in harms way. A reckless driving offense can be tacked onto or used in lieu of other offenses like speeding. Some of the most common types of reckless driving are; driving under the influence, drowsy driving, and phone usage while driving. Reckless driving is one cause of death in the area. On average there are over 6 million car accidents in the United States every year and more than 3 million people are injured due to car accidents; 2 million of these injuries are permanent. There are over 40,000 deaths due to car†¦show more content†¦You should not get behind the wheel of a car if you have had anything to drink. When going out to parties try to car-pool and have a designated driver. What a designated driver is; is someone who will stay sober all night and drive everyone home ensuring everyone gets home safe and no one is driving drunk. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers also known as MADD is an organization of individuals that was started about 32 years ago as a way to crack down on the number of drunk drivers on t since MADDs inception, he road and the number of drunk driving-related deaths. The MADD organization was first created in 1980 when the founder, Candy Lightner, had a daughter that was killed by a repeat drunk driving offender. MADD supports the law enforcement heroes that to keep the roads safe. MADD also strives to support policy change like the policy that requires convicted drunk drivers to use in car breathalyzers. All convicted drunk drivers must prove they are sober before the car will start. Drunk driving fatalities are on the decline dropping 12 percent from 2006 to 2008, which proves that they are helping even if it isn’t a great amount it is something. MADD has helped in saving over 300,000 lives and countin g in the years since the program has been created. Still there are thousands of people that are killed each year as a result of drunk driving. â€Å"The goal of the MADD is to change this number and decrease drunkShow MoreRelatedDrinking And Driving1335 Words   |  6 Pages Drink and Driving is and Ongoing Problem Erica Esposito Kean University Abstract This paper explores the research and find results on how drinking and driving has become a big problem in the United States. Drinking and driving effects a person’s ability to operate a vehicle and therefore drunk drivers need to be educated on the repercussions with drinking and driving. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Gone with the wind analysis Free Essays

The Great Depression was one of the most desperate times during U. S history. The unemployment rate increased from 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Gone with the wind analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2% in 1929 to 24. 9% in 1932. The sudden crash of the market in 1929 increased the suicide rate from 12. 1 per 100,000 people to 18. 1 per 100,000 people. Especially during the asses, people seemed to want to find some mental comforts, so cinemas became the most popular place. Average weekly movie attendance increased from 57 million in 1927 to 80 million in 1931 (â€Å"Great Depression Statistics†). Gone with the Wind, the movie which stood as one of the most classic movie of all time, was produced during this period. Though the story Gone with the wind was set in the asses, the movie spoke directly to Americans in asses when it was released. The movie Gone with the Wind succeeded for three reasons: the strength Scarlet O’Hara had was needed for women during the Great Depression, the movie showed people the race relations between African Americans and white people, and the movie provided hope for the people during the asses. This historic vie was greatly influenced by the asses. Following World War I and entering the Great Depression, women needed the strong characteristics of Scarlet O’Hara. During the Depression, men were losing their Jobs; therefore, women needed to work to support their family. Just as Eleanor Roosevelt said: â€Å"The women know that life must go on and that the needs of life must be met and it is their courage and determination which, time and again, have pulled us through worse crises than the present one† (Ware). During the mid-depression, the middle class family income was very low. Women has to be really economical; for example, â€Å"they had buy day-old bread or warm dishes in the oven to save gas† (Ware). Because of this kind of tough and unstable living, women had no choice; they had to forget their safe, comfortable housewives’ lives, and become tools for supporting families (Ware). Gone with the Wind is also about how Scarlet O’Hara loses everything and has no other way to survive but to become strong. The end of part one of the movie shows this, when she holds the soil and swears that she will be strong and never be hungry again. Another season for why people were attracted by this movie is the cursive love Journey Scarlet experienced. A lot of women who lived in the period of the Great Depression had lost their husbands during World War One; in the beginning of the movie, Scarlet is also waiting for Ashley Wilkes, whom she loves, to come back from the war. Every time she reads through the list of the dead, it is clear how worried she is. This feeling was what a lot of women during that time experienced, so they felt sympathy for Scarlet O’Hara. During the asses, white people’s opinion toward African Americans was ambivalent. They still had the mindset from slavery times, when they could order the African Americans to do anything, and didn’t want to accept the truth that black people were equal to them now. In Gone with the Wind, there is a scene in which Scarlet is almost raped by a black; her husband, Frank and Ashley act like ASK (UK Klux Klan) to murder that African American. In the movie, white people feel threatened by blacks. During the time of the Great Depression, Roosevelt â€Å"New Deal† created a program called the Work Progress Administration (WAP). This program helped solve the high employment rate. Under this program, there were some small parts like the Federal Writers’ Project and Federal Art Project. These projects provided some talented African American artist Jobs, and some great African American artist emerged (â€Å"The Great Depression: African-American†) Art was an important part for the people who lived in the Depression, therefore, white people might view African Americans differently. However, at the same time, they felt threatened, too, because some African Americans were taking their Job opportunities. Also, the movie created the feeling that black people needed white people’s wisdom to survive, because â€Å"they often seemed more like pets than people† (Left 7). We can see this from how happy Big Sam is when he and Scarlet reunite; he thinks that he will be safe and will not be hungry again when he finds his former owner. Neither Big Sam nor a strong character like Mamma could take care of Tara without her white master during the war, either (Left. During the Depression, most African Americans lived in rural areas were still working in the farms of the white people. Even African Americans who lived in cities â€Å"worked as domestic servants for white folks† (â€Å"The Great Depression: African-American†). These connections seemed to indicate to white people during the Depression that African Americans were still dependent on them. Therefore, white people’s attitude toward African Americans was ambivalent. Another important reason for the success of Gone with the Wind was that people who lived in the Depression wanted to recall the memory of the glory before the Civil War, they could see themselves in the movie, and they needed strength to move on. â€Å"Escapism† s the most discussed term when it comes to the Great Depression. â€Å"During the Depression, when the spirit of the people is lower than at any other time, it is a splendid thing that for Just 15 cents an American can go to a movie and look at the smiling face of a baby and forget his troubles† (Cravens 216). Movies and music were popular because people wanted to escape from the cruel reality, even Just for few hours. The beginning of Gone with the Wind was a perfect time for them to go back to the good old life when everything was more organized and peaceful. However, they old also see the decline of themselves in the movie, Just like Ashley, the old noble landowner. The War suddenly takes everything that Ashley had away. Because of this, Ashley becomes passive, and he loses all hope. The same thing happened to people during the Depression: â€Å"Their world having been turned upside down, they saw a parallel between their plight and the story of the disappearance of the antebellum south† (Will). However, at the same time, they also wanted strength, power and hope for the future, Just like Scarlet’s attitude toward life. The most classic scene in the vie is when Reheat Butler leaves Scarlet, though in great sorrow, she said: â€Å"after all, tomorrow is another day’ (Gone with the Wind) Thousands of Americans might be inspired by this sentence. Obviously, the experience of the Depression couldn’t have been worse than what Scarlet had. In her life, the war forced her to change from a noble girl into a strong woman who needed to plant the food herself; she lost all her dignity as a business woman for trading with the Yankees; she married three times but all failed; she finally realized the man she loved for many years was a coward; ere husband left her Just as she realized that she actually loved him. All these miserable things happen to her, but she never loses hope. This strength was what people needed during the Depression. Although they wanted to escape from reality, there was no way but to face it. The spirit of Scarlet inspired them to be hopeful, to accept the life, and fight with it. Echoing Scarlet Aurora’s words, â€Å"tomorrow is another day,† (Gone with the Wind) American citizens gained strength from Gone with the Wind. Clearly, this movie reflected the period of asses, including the race relations between white people and African Americans. The movie also provided people during the asses much needed hope. How to cite Gone with the wind analysis, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Self Improvement and Motivation free essay sample

If you ask a successful person about what made him reach his goal in life; he would most probably portray the importance of self improvement, motivation and self esteem. It is certain that you will have to face many problems in life, but to overcome them, you need to count on personal development and motivation. When it comes to self esteem improvement, you need to first realize your strengths and weaknesses. Let us know more about self improvement and motivation. Self Improvement and Motivation Self improvement and motivation are two of the most important things that you need to consider if you are thinking of excelling in your life. A majority of the problems in our life arise due to the lack of motivation and great emotional depression. To contribute to self improvement, you can get motivated by changing your mindset altogether. Following are some simple tips that will help you get motivated. We will write a custom essay sample on Self Improvement and Motivation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Self Improvement Work Only reading self improvement blogs and books will alone not help you overcome your weaknesses. You need to put these theoretical aspects to practice in your day to day lives. In order to make you feel better about yourself, think about the unfortunate people who do not have what you do have. This will surely increase the scope for self improvement in your life. You also have to sort out your strong points and weak points. Maintain what you can do better and improve on what you are not so good at. Have confidence in yourself that you can do things which you think are not possible, and most importantly be positive. Try to fight your fears and start to do things what you have always been afraid of. Make a proper discipline and follow it in your everyday life, which normally would include creating rules of healthy living and codes of conduct and even daily routines. Along with adopting all these things, you also should be in a motivational atmosphere. Try to be with friends and colleagues who encourage and have a good view towards life. To aid in self improvement, you should be able to adjust in every situation that comes in the way. Think about both sides of the coin, and even be prepared for unfortunate circumstances and how you intend to deal with them. Practice goal setting to reach success. Decide on a goal, set the time span, work towards it and achieve it. Doing so will really have a good impact on your positive thinking and personal development. Do not only let your mind be strong, also be fit physically.